#unicornmoment something thing happened today which I never thought would ever happen, not saying that it could never happen just thought it would be extremely unlikely.
So this probably used up a few #whaletokens today at the very least and I’m super super happy so it was well worth it. 🤗 If you’ve seen my ig story you would see the huge pod of #pilotwhales we dropped in with today. They’re usually quite elusive and stay at the edge of visibility BUT today OMG they were loving the swell and clicking us and turning upside down and swimming past looking at us. Their pod was about 40+ and scattered over such a large area. I was so lucky swimming above 2 of them a large male and a female. As they came by they slowed, turned to me, clicked away and just swam right next to me for what felt like kilometers. They were slow and attentive, just cruising along one on either side of me. It was so magical, I couldn’t take photos, I just watched left and right, I was completely in the moment. Being in the middle of them felt so surreal I just couldn’t believe it was happening. The entire world just disappeared and it was just me and 2 pilots whales..... #pinchme Something then disrupted my thought and I was getting too far from the group (as in swimmers) so as I slowed down and managed take this shot as they continued on. The female on the left did turn back to look at me for the last time and I wished them well for their travels and a huge thank you. 💙🙏🏿🐋 Man I cant believe it!!!! #itsawonderfulocean
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Pilot Whale
Year: 2019
Location: The kingdom of tonga
© 2020 Jasmine Carey