ON THIS DAY: I know I said yesterday was Epic x3! And it was, still is. Today can you believe it or even imagine that I was/ we were jumping in and out of the water with a peak of 17 Whales
in a Heat Run for 5 hours! I was am still dizzy with Heat Run Euphoria! We found this bundle of adrenaline at 730am and followed it till 130pm till we were low on fuel. I must've had over 60+ drops with these amazing Humpbacks and yes that Lady has the sexist Fluke in town! 😘💙🐋 Being able to observe a Heat Run for this long was a dream come true. I witnessed so many amazing behaviors. I have some great drop videos, if you're keen for on seeing it let me know and I will post one. 💙🐋 This shot was over a shallow reef and I love the light and I hate not being able to squeeze them all in #needbiggerthanafisheye. A Shout out to our peeps on my boat who were so awesome and dropped till they dropped!
#adrenaline #heatruneuphoria #itstrulyamazing #indawataindawata
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