“Somehow, Carey's complex compositions appear deceptively simple. Her whales are framed in such a way as to be simultaneously artistic yet wholly natural and relaxed.”
— Karin Cox, Wildlife Australia
A passion for adventure and the ocean
In an extremely short period of time, Jasmine Carey has captured the attention of ocean lovers and reinvigorated a new love for the ocean and fun adventure across the globe.
Her stunning images have an emotive, perceptive and graceful style that takes you with her on a journey into her beloved blue world. Her passion for adventure and the ocean is clear. Her beautiful, intimate photographs of the marine life she encounters confirms her deep connection with the sea.
Jasmine has been diving since 2005 and in that time she’s dived across the Indo–Pacific, searching out encounters and interactions with the full gamut of marine life. Her passion for whales sees her spend the southern winter with breeding humpbacks in the tropical waters off Tonga, and the northern winter encountering orcas and humpbacks feeding in the Norwegian fjords.
She works closely with world-acclaimed underwater photographer Darren Jew, and that teaming brings obvious passion and expertise to their work. As an Ambassador for Rainforest Rescue, she supports an organisation that delivers tangible and real conservation results.
Jasmine’s work was featured in the 2017 Oztek Photo Exhibition in Sydney, Australia; she was a producer on Australian Geographic’s Day in the Life of the Great Barrier Reef time-lapse project in 2017; and she was also a keynote speaker on the 2018 Underwater Tour, an Australia-wide speaking tour promoting ocean inspiration adventure and discovery. Jasmine is an approved photographer for Greenpeace and her work has featured in commercial publications, books and magazines and; in exhibitions, including the 2019 and 2020 Loud and Luminous project, a major show celebrating the work of 100 of Australia’s finest women photographers and; in fotoAID an exhibition raising much-needed funds to aid community and wildlife recover after the tragic 2019/20 Australian Summer of Fires; and 2019-2020 Grand Prize Winner of the Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Photography Award (HIPA) Ninth Season – WATER.
Through her love for the beautiful ocean and the challenges it brings is without a doubt, her enthusiasm for both the ocean and land adventures is infectious. She inspires others, is an excellent teacher, and is eager to share her experience with fellow adventurers, nature lovers and photographers: “It’s a continuing pleasure to see my guests reach new levels of understanding—about the natural world, and about themselves.”

Jasmine Carey
Photographer | Underwater Explorer
View Media Kit
Media links ︎
Rainforest Rescue Australia 25th Anniversary Celebration
Exposure: Photography Podcast
ORCA - OMG! | IlluminOcean Podcast
The Secret Lives of Whales | earthisourwitness
A Chat with Hipa Grand Prize Winner Jasmine Carey
HIPA Ninth Season - WATER Winners
HIPA Ninth Season (WATER) Grand Prize Winner - Jasmine Carey | Australia
The Y Circus Magazine | Photo Essay
Short Film links
Australian Geographic - Day in the Life of The Great Barrier Reef
The Little Things - Dr Richard Smith
The Dugong Detective - Janet Lanydon
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© 2020 Jasmine Carey / pxlexplorer