This is ME


21 August 2020
Hervey Bay – Whale Watching

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10 August

OMG. The day actually has arrived. After an entire day of last minute duties, meetings, collections, we are FINALLY here. Due to all the craziness of 2020, recent bad weather, I wasn't going to count my chickens before they hatch BUT WE ARE HERE! #PHEW

It's been 6months since I've been more than 250km away from y house and HELLO HERVEY BAY! Even though windy in transit, today I stood on the bow of a whale watching boat in the dewy morning sunshine, inhaling deep fresh crisp breaths of salty sea air. The feeling of that salt grit flicking against my face reminded me

of how exciting that sting was #purebliss. Well, anything after this was most certainly going to be a bonus. AND even better still we hadn't even arrived in the "whale zone' yet #WOOHOO whales yet to come and Island exploration. #whata day. So 2 firsts for me today, meeting Hervey Bay humpbacks and visiting Fraser Island. #tick and #tick.

As I woke back to reality, I scanned the horizon and #BOOM my heart jumped, I felt a rush of electric happiness #BLOW, that was it I couldn't stand still as it turned into a 12 o'clock blow. I glanced up at the bridge and waved a frantic 2 thumbs up. I was fidgeting like crazy. I was finally #ALIVE after months of lockdown Frankenstein's bride had finally awoken. All the fondness, stresses of the 'will we won't we' and thrill of my passion rushed back. Right now we're supposed to be in group 6 of Tonga and day 30someting in the water. Rather than moping about it I've been suppressing and just ignoring it and keeping as busy as possible. I guess I didn't realise until now by how much. Anyhow the #mommentisnow, whales, and Fraser here we come.

22 August

IT WAS SOOOOO GOOOD! Seeing such friendly faces on board today was exceptional. catching up, reminiscing, and meeting a new, this felt ... I have to say... 'a little normal'. It's been so long... socialising I had to warn people that I may say things out loud that I possibly shouldn't... 'social norms' has been lacking in practice the last 6 months on account of - you don't use it you lose it.... well that's my excuse, for now, #eeek

My mind's eye was in overdrive today flashing back to #FINtastic times on photography trips or whale trips of yesteryear. It surprises me how much I can remember, so vividly. So lucky to be able to share such fun and great times.

Well with a boat full of wonderful ocean #FINatics we Tasman Ventured off to Platypus Bay in search of the great-winged Newfoundlanders aka humpback whale. The wind was up and westerly from yesterday but that didn't stop us from having a blast. It wasn't long before entering the bay that we found a pair of travelers and about another mile away was a pair of breaching whales who ended up sticking to the boat. So with that, the engine was turned off and floaters entered the water in anticipation. It was hilarious! the pair of whales played cat and mouse with the floaters and stayed just out of EYE reach. One came so sneakily close right behind Darren, who was holding the end of the line, exhaled loudly then quickly disappeared into the depths again. Absolutely teasing the floaters, who were at the stern of the boat, the two humpbacks would spy hop and pec slap at the bow then make their way around the back to taunt the in water guests then back to the bow again. At times they would hide under the boat, the Skipper could see them on the sounder and I could see their small, intricate, chandelier bubbles, fizzing up from beneath, sparkling their way up the sides of the hull.
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© 2020 Jasmine Carey / pxlexplorer