This is ME


15 April 2024
From Waste to Wonder

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Over the past year, I've had the absolute honor of collaborating with the exceptional educational team at TEMBUSU CSR in Singapore. Our paths intertwined years ago, and it ignited 12 months ago into something truly remarkable. I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have connected with Nan and Jacinta.

Today was prototype day, a day I eagerly anticipate and cherish! It's the day when the schoolchildren unveil their inventions aimed at tackling various facets of ocean pollution, a topic we've been exploring in recent weeks. They create their prototypes using discarded materials found around their homes and school premises.

During their presentations to me, they articulate the specific environmental concerns they're addressing and explain the functionality of their inventions. Their ingenuity knows no bounds as they consider a myriad of factors, from microplastics to water filtration, waste disposal, marine life conservation, and even the psychological and societal impacts of their solutions. Their designs are not only ingenious but also endearing, often featuring whimsical details and sculptures, albeit sometimes held together with barely sticky glue that seems to give way at the most unexpected moments.

Today's groups tackled - HOW MIGHT WE HELP TO....:
- Stop plastics and other waste from flowing into the ocean to protect fish and marine life.
- Prevent chemicals and sewage from contaminating the ocean.
- Ensure people have access to clean water to reduce the need for bottled water, thus preventing plastic pollution.
- Prevent neighboring countries' rubbish from polluting our shores.
- Stop fishermen from abandoning nets and hooks in the ocean.
- Stop Lazy people from having bad trash management to prevent litter from ending up in the ocean.

Despite their varying levels of confidence, their deliveries are always captivating, infused with a blend of shyness, confidence, and improvised flair. These sessions with the children leave me feeling exhilarated and inspired, eagerly looking forward to the future. Imagine robots boasting extendable arms wihc can reach the depths of the ocean, internal water filtration systems, and gas filters, mechanical les thqt suck up the ribbish as they walk. Picture compactors and mechanical sculptures that offer rewards to those who pick up litter and discpline those who dare litter. Visualize solar-powered 'submarines' diligently scouring the ocean depths and rain catchers gleefully collecting droplets from the sky, as their emply frown turns into a FULL smile.

Education plays a pivotal role in nurturing such creativity and environmental stewardship among our youth, and it's a privilege to witness firsthand the transformative power of education in shaping a brighter tomorrow.

A huge thank you to Nan and Jacinta! You and your team are making a difference.
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